Public consultation for the review of ANZSCO
Skills in ANZSCO
Previous engagement with stakeholders has informed the position the ABS has reached regarding how skills could be better reflected in the classification. Upcoming consultation will seek input on whether this position has any unintended impacts for the broader user community. The agreed position on how skills should be reflected in ANZSCO will inform the comprehensive update of ANZSCO and its ongoing maintenance.
Maintaining ANZSCO
The ABS has been developing a new approach to maintaining ANZSCO to reflect the contemporary labour market and better meet stakeholders needs. Feedback will be sought on the core components of a maintenance strategy that could best support users to accommodate changes to different levels of the classification at more regular intervals.
How to provide feedback
The ABS will be inviting submissions through the ABS Consultation Hub ( across four weeks
commencing 29 June 2022 and closing 26 July 2022.
Any questions?
Please email with any questions on this consultation or for further information.